
My major research and summary

              Now our environmental problems are serious. This is why solar photovoltaic energy attracts people instead of previous conventional generations. Today more than 3500 MW of solar systems have been installed all over the world and the price has been decreasing since 1970, according to the Earth Policy Institute.
              Mainly these systems can be installed in the roof of house or any building. This means people can generate their electricity by themselves even if they live in rural areas and disconnected from life lines. Also generation by these systems is a good business where small amount of electricity has high value. We can distribute electricity the individual generates as well. These are main reasons PV energy is now preferred.
              Companies’ attempts to sell solar panels to people in high income countries have contributed to the growth of PV energy. Sharp has been on the top of the race of PV energy selling and they thrive by encouraging high or average rank people to install small solar panels to their houses. This satisfies people’s willing to stop the destruction of our Earth and they can be benefited by generating their electricity in the future. This circulation makes everyone and the Earth happier.
              The governments all over the world have tried to intervene in this market and boosted it, too. It sustained their economies. And what’s more, many developed countries signed in the protocols about setting a goal to decrease the emission of carbon dioxide, which is generated when we burn fuel or gas.

              Considering the fact that we have now 20 times more PV energy than we’d had in 2000, our industry of PV energy systems will still improve. We estimate in the near future all buildings are with solar panels and it replaces for traditional conventional systems.


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